Mundkur is a village in Karkala Taluk, Udupi district Karnataka, India. The Durga Parameshwari temple located here is more than 1300 years old.
History of Sri Kshethra Mundkur
Mundkur Maagane contains the three villages of Mundkur, Mulladka and Inna; with its border till Elluru in the North, sankalkareya in the South, Bola in the East and Ulepady in the West. There are Mahalingeshwara Temples in the Four corners of Sri Durgaparameshwari Temple of Mundkur( South East: Posral; South West: Ulepady; North West: Inna Muddannu; North East: Bola Mahalingeshwara temples) which were constructed centuries later. As per available ancient records, in Shaka varsha 1337, (Hevilambi Samvatsara) King Narasimha Banga Raja (Bangas) transferred the administration of MUNDKUR Magane to Chowta Rulers. Mundkur was the Central governing point for any administration, Panchayath(Settlement of disputes), and Discussion venue for these three villages which continues even today. Any function in the three villages were banned between Dwajarohana and Avabritha(Jalaka) in Mundkur Sri Durgaparameshwari Temple, which is observed even today.
Legend has it that Goddess Durga Parameshwari slayed the demon Mundaka here as per Skaanda Puraana and place was named as MUNDAKOORU which became MUNDKUR in later days. The idol was initially installed facing West by Bhargava Rishi as per the request of Suratha Raaja after the prathistha of Sri Raajarajeshwari in Pulinapura,now known as POLALI, before 800 AD. Famous Researcher, Dr.P. Gururaja Bhat has done lot of innovative researches about various temples and estimated the age of the Mahishamardini idol of Mundkur as belonging to early 8th century,the oldest temple in the three villages of Inna, Mundkur, Mulladka, Kadandale, Bola, Ulepaady, Yelinje and other nearby villages, with Royal connections of Banga and Chouta Rulers . During the reconstruction of the temple in 2005/06, the original door frames in western portion of the wall of the Sanctum Sanctorium was found which has been preserved in the temple premises. Kere/ Pushkarni is there in the west even today known as Sri Bhargava Theertha)and Ashwatha Vriksha in the north west. During the Jain rule, King Veeravarma, who was considered as a bad ruler, turned the idol towards east to take out buried riches from underneath the idol. Since then, the idol is facing East.
Mundkur Durga is Kuladevi for the Brahmin community of Bhargava Gothra and most of the devotees from GSB, Bunts, Billavaas, Kulaals, Devadigaas and other devotees worship as Mane Devi(Goddess of their original House)and the priests are belonging to Bharadwaja Gothra from the ancient time in Mundkur,Yelinje,Ulepady and Inna. Christians and Muslims worship with flowers and poojas which can be seen even today. Jainpete, ruins of Jain Basadi and palace, Kalkuda and Jattinga Daivaas (Worshiped by the then Jains) can be seen here and Jain community is not living, which is said to be due to the curse of Devi to the bad attitude of earlier Jains and their cruel Ruler Veeravarma who turned the idol from west to east. Jain devotees visit and seek the blessings in different occasions; but, there is no resident Jain family found here. As per Paad-dana(Ancient Tulu Folk Songs) Kanthabaare and Boodabare, Great Heroes of South Kanara District,born in Ulepaady village; were devotees of Mundkur Durga and due to the bad attitude and character of Veeravarma and his followers, they killed him and his bad company. Due to No-Governance, Moodabidre Chowta Rulers have interfiered and reformation took place by them. The administration of the temple was handed over to Brahmins of eight families belonging to Bhargava Gothra,headed by Madmannaya family as Pavithrapaani and Eight Guththus, Four Paraaris, Four Baalikes as supporters on behalf of villagers of Inna, Mundkur, and Mulladka. As a token of love and respect the Chowta King donated lots of land, two Wooden pillars of the single Jack fruit tree, said to be from the Chouta Palace yard (The Biggest and bulky in the District, which can be seen even today)and several precious wooden Logs…. etc. for the temple and the Chowta Queen has donated her precious stone studded ornaments to Durga Devi, which is used for decorating the Main idol in the temple during festivals and special occasions. The Chowta Rulers were visiting the temple during annual car festival under the personal invitation from the Chief of Madmannaya family. The King and his Team used to relax at Sacheriparari, a place in the village border of Mundkur (Stone Cot on which Chowta ruler is said to be using to relax can be seen here even today) and was being received by the villagers at Jarige Katte. The Chowta King used to participate in the final day’s Chendu-aata(Foot Ball Match) of the young villagers followed by Arasara Katte Pooje and Keredeepotsava. From the year 1855AD, visit of Chowta rulers was stopped due to the misunderstanding amongst the villagers and Chief of Madmannaya family and Madmannayas stopped visiting and inviting the Chowta. Even today the Arasara Kattepooje, Keredeepotsav is being celebrated and that day is called as Arasara Bali Utsava day.
The prime deity is Sri Durgaparameshwari in the form of Mahishamardini, holding the demon Mahisha upside down and piercing thrishul on his body. Hence the name Mundakke oori nintha OOru became Mundkur in the later stage as per one version. Other deities being worshiped are Sri MahaGanapathi (Kshipraprasaada swaroopi), Navagraha, Naaga, AshwaththaVriksha, Dhoomavathi, Raktheshwari, Vyaghra Chamundi(Pilichandi), Vaarahi (Panjurli) and Rakshopi Devatha (Protector from evil Spirits)in the temple. Photos of Sri Madhvacharya, Sri Vadiraja swamiji, Sri Raghavendra Swamiji, and Sri Bhootharaja are installed in Sri Madhva Mandira, where bhajans and poojas are held regularly.Acharya, Jayarama (2004), Bhargavi Smriti, Bhargava Press.
Sri Vitoba Rukumayi Temple in Mundkur: In this temple trikal pooja is performed followed by Bhajan keerthans daily during night by the devotees. This temple is built and managed by GSB Community. The founder of this temple was Posral Lakshmana Kamath and his family.
The annual Car-festival happens in the kumbha masa every year which is on Feb 17th or 18th. Navaratri, Deepotsava are other special days for the goddess. Jalaka (dipping in river shambhavi) takes place on the next day of the car festival. Punarprathista Day falls on February 2 and 5 February Brahmakalashaabhisheka Day.
In Karthika Masa, Nagara Sankeerthane is performed throughout the month followed by Deepotsava on krishna thriyodashi, Chathurdashi and Laksha Deepothsava on Karthika Amavasya.
Madhva Navami, Sri Raghavendra Swami Aradhana, Sri Vadiraja Swami Punya thithi is celebrated through bhajans and Pooja. On Ganesh Chathurthi day Saarvajanik Ganesha Idol is worshipped and on the fifth day evening after mosaru Kudike (Fancy Dress) with procession immersed in River Shambhavi in Sankalkariya border of Mundkur village and Udupi District (near Doddamane). During Navarathri Nine types of Durga Alankaara is done to the Main idol, which is Rare in Karnataka. On Moola Nakshatra Day Sri Sharada idol is worshipped and after Sri Chandika Havan on Vijayadashamiday, immersed in Kurkilbettu Brahmasthana gundi. The processions are very attractive and thousands of devotees participate on both the occasions. Saura Yugaadi, Panchanga Shravana, Upakarma, Deepaavali, Dhanya Lakmi pooja/Navanna Bhojana, Balindra Pooja, Paththenaaja are being celebrated in the temple.
The prime deity is Sri Durgaparameshwari in the form of Mahishamardini, holding the demon Mahisha upside down and piercing thrishul on his body. Hence the name Mundakke oori nintha OOru became Mundkur in the later stage as per one version. Other deities being worshiped are Sri MahaGanapathi (Kshipraprasaada swaroopi), Navagraha, Naaga, AshwaththaVriksha, Dhoomavathi, Raktheshwari, Vyaghra Chamundi(Pilichandi), Vaarahi (Panjurli) and Rakshopi Devatha (Protector from evil Spirits)in the temple. Photos of Sri Madhvacharya, Sri Vadiraja swamiji, Sri Raghavendra Swamiji, and Sri Bhootharaja are installed in Sri Madhva Mandira, where bhajans and poojas are held regularly.Acharya, Jayarama (2004), Bhargavi Smriti, Bhargava Press.
Sri Vitoba Rukumayi Temple in Mundkur: In this temple trikal pooja is performed followed by Bhajan keerthans daily during night by the devotees. This temple is built and managed by GSB Community. The founder of this temple was Posral Lakshmana Kamath and his family.
The annual Car-festival happens in the kumbha masa every year which is on Feb 17th or 18th. Navaratri, Deepotsava are other special days for the goddess. Jalaka (dipping in river shambhavi) takes place on the next day of the car festival. Punarprathista Day falls on February 2 and 5 February Brahmakalashaabhisheka Day.
In Karthika Masa, Nagara Sankeerthane is performed throughout the month followed by Deepotsava on krishna thriyodashi, Chathurdashi and Laksha Deepothsava on Karthika Amavasya.
Madhva Navami, Sri Raghavendra Swami Aradhana, Sri Vadiraja Swami Punya thithi is celebrated through bhajans and Pooja. On Ganesh Chathurthi day Saarvajanik Ganesha Idol is worshipped and on the fifth day evening after mosaru Kudike (Fancy Dress) with procession immersed in River Shambhavi in Sankalkariya border of Mundkur village and Udupi District (near Doddamane). During Navarathri Nine types of Durga Alankaara is done to the Main idol, which is Rare in Karnataka. On Moola Nakshatra Day Sri Sharada idol is worshipped and after Sri Chandika Havan on Vijayadashamiday, immersed in Kurkilbettu Brahmasthana gundi. The processions are very attractive and thousands of devotees participate on both the occasions. Saura Yugaadi, Panchanga Shravana, Upakarma, Deepaavali, Dhanya Lakmi pooja/Navanna Bhojana, Balindra Pooja, Paththenaaja are being celebrated in the temple.
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